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Yet Another Antisemitic Conspiracy Theory

There are three things that have been and still are pretty consistent throughout Jewish history. Firstly: the entire world, whether overtly or otherwise, has it out for us. Secondly: In order to survive, we need to stay a step or three ahead of our enemies and detractors. Thirdly, for every negative and terrible calamity the world experiences (perceived or otherwise), a way will be found to blame us. Even if the Jewish People also suffer (at times worse than the non-Jews), fault inherently lies at our collective feet.

If the conspiracy theorists (and more than a few conservative radio and TV hosts, many religious officials and most of the non-Jewish world) are to be believed, we have been the whisperers in the ears of kings, the manipulators and perpetrators of history’s most heinous events—one could go so far as to say we were the first influencers. From plagues to floods, famine to world wars, control of the global economy, Hollywood, the media—it’s all on us.

Case in point: COVID-19. If the alt-right, white supremacist movement is to be believed, it’s our fault that the world is in the middle of a pandemic. At the time of this writing, 3.42 million cases have been reported, and 244,000 have died worldwide. As the world struggles to treat their ill, bury their dead and heal, there are many who understandably want answers.

The theory is more outrageous than the plot to a movie: the Jews and the Chinese (both historically known for being highly intelligent and ostracized at various points in time for being different) become partners to create a novel coronavirus that creates a worldwide pandemic with no way to treat it. The Chinese create it in a laboratory in Wuhan, and the Jews are the financiers. It creates mayhem and havoc in economies and societies world over, panic among the masses.

Why on earth would anyone commit such an atrocity? Again, the white supremacists have all the answers. For power—to continue to hold on to so-called control over the world that is allegedly fading away. Supposedly, we will never be content unless the world and its riches are in our grasp. We have pulled the wool over the eyes of the world with our sob story of the Holocaust (aka the “Holohoax.”). Much like the humans in the “Matrix” trilogy, the world for far too long has been “blue-pilled” into believing that natural disasters and plagues are exactly that, contently accepting the illusion that the Holocaust took place, that COVID-19 is the real crisis when it’s just a diversion to keep the world’s attention away from the fact that world domination is the end goal. Not to worry, the white supremacists who hide on the dark web assure the world.

The time will come for the world to take the “red pill” that will dispel the illusions they have labored under for too long. It will be proven once and for all that it is Jews that are the masterminds behind everything. From the bubonic plague to the world wars, all the way until COVID-19, the world will finally know the truth: the Jews are responsible for all that is negative and harmful in the world.

At an anti-lockdown rally in Ohio on April 18th, a man carried a sign with a blue rat on its hind legs, the Star of David on its body in white. It was wearing a skullcap, sporting a full beard worn in the style of the Orthodox, the stereotypical long nose, and hands clasped together as if delighting in something nefarious. It was accompanied by the words “The Real Plague.” The symbolism couldn’t be more clear.

Another image courtesy of the alt-right and white supremacy movements: the image of an Orthodox Jew with brown eyes popping out of his head (and long hooked nose, skullcap, dressed in a white shirt) while wringing his hands. Captions surrounded him and a depiction of a coronavirus cell: “Moshiach now!” “Never let a crisis go to waste!” “Loot the Treasury!” At the bottom, it says the following: “COVID-19 gives plausible deniability for the engineered economic collapse” and “It’s not Chinese, it’s the JEW FLU!”

Between President Trump calling COVID-19 early on as “Wuhan flu” and “Chinese flu” and more recently musing if the virus indeed comes from a Chinese laboratory to Mayor De Blasio singling out the entire Jewish population of New York (more than 1.7 million) in a tweet as being defiant against the social-distancing and gathering restrictions—the evidence seems clear. The power players appear to be strongly implicating the Chinese (for creating the virus) and the Jews (for not doing enough to stop the spread by violating social-distancing mandates) as the villains in this world-wide pandemic. Using the pandemic to further a personal or political agenda, to “name-blame-shame” individuals or single out groups of people seems to be de rigueur, but it’s not a good look on anyone.

John Cho, an Asian-American actor, makes this powerful statement in his essay that was published on April 22 in the Los Angeles Times:

“…… “If the coronavirus has taught us anything, it’s that the solution to a widespread problem cannot be patchwork. Never has our interconnectedness and our reliance on each other been plainer.[sic]”

“You can’t stand up for some and not for others. And like the virus, unchecked aggression has the potential to spread wildly,” Cho wrote. “Please don’t minimize the hate or assume it’s somewhere far away. It’s happening close to you. If you see it on the street, say something. If you hear it at work, say something. If you sense it in your family, say something….”

Now more than ever is a time to fight back against prejudice, xenophobic, and hateful rhetoric of all kinds. COVID-19 doesn’t discriminate in any fashion and neither should we. It is a time where we need to be more aware of the world around us, and to be conscious and truly consider the space we take up in it. Every single person has an obligation at this time to put aside petty, divisive behaviors to work together in order to end this tragic time in all of our lives.