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Jews In All Hues Present JOC-Centered High Holiday Services

Jews of Color, their families, allies, and loved ones are invited to celebrate the High Holidays with Jews in all Hues, beginning with Rosh Hashanah programming kicking off this Monday afternoon. Jews in all Hues, “an education and advocacy organization that supports Jews of Color and multi-heritage Jews” whose “goal is to build a future for the Jewish people where intersectional diversity and dignity are normative”, has been active in Jewish diversity for nearly a decade, reaching thousands of Jews from backgrounds as diverse as humanity.

Rosh Hashanah programming kicks off Monday with a special afternoon program for kids, followed by daytime services Tuesday and Wednesday, and features personalities such as Sarah Aroeste, Rabbis Mira Rivera and Angela Buchdahl, Cantor Jacqueline Rafii and many more. Registration is open and available here. Yom Kippur’s schedule is also available for viewing on the Jews in all Hues website.

Jews in all Hues asks for a suggested donation of $18 per individual ($36 per family) to help support High Holiday programming leaders as well as members of the greater JIAH community.

May we all be inscribed in the Book of Life for 5782, may we all collectively look inward and recommit ourselves to creating a better world.