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Is Gaming The Future of Jewish Education?

Following up on our discussion of using video games to teach youths about Jewish traditions, it is now time to turn our attention to the second part video games can play in Jewish education. Jewish history is a vast topic that spans thousands of years and multiple countries. Jews from all over the world have their own unique histories to be told, along with our biblical history as well. Video games can play a key role in making this history accessible, by presenting it in a form that is interactive.

To start with, we discussed in a previous article about how the video game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has many connections to the story of Hanukkah. This got me thinking, what if there were a game based explicitly on the story of Hanukkah and the battles therein. Such a game could be done in a variety of styles, such as a strategy game done in either real time or turn based form, or an action game. An action game may be seen as sacrilegious to some, but the holiday does commemorate great battles won, and the chance to play as a warrior in those battles fighting for Jewish freedom would no doubt be enticing for many to play. It would appeal to Jews and non-Jews alike, and would help get young people interested in learning more of the history behind the holiday. Likewise, a strategy game could have more of a story focus that would help explain the matter more.

When we look at other parts of history, we can see many areas where the histories of our people can be told. These can cover the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in the 15th century and go into detail about the journeys of the Jews into other countries. An adventure game for instance could follow the Journey into Arab Countries, Persia, Turkey, and more. It could also help highlight a detail that is not as well known, and point out many went to countries with Ashkenazic communities and joined said communities. Likewise, it can be pointed out that many Mizrahi and Sephardic communities, including many in the Iraqi Jewish community, have some Ashkenazic Ancestry due to some Ashkenazic Jews migrating to those communities as well.

The various stories of the Jewish communities in East Asia and South Asia could be highlighted as well. The Jews of India have a rich cultural history that is not as well known as other Jewish communities for instance, and hold a unique distinction in that country, compared to Jews in other countries. The Jews of India found an acceptance in that country, that Jews in Europe and the Middle East did not have and flourished there. A chance to show the history of a community that thrived would be an excellent chance to show a different side to Jewish history. As a people who have known oppression throughout history in the various countries that we have found homes in; the knowledge that Jews found a people who were welcome hosts is something that deserves to be highlighted.

Building on that idea, the history of the Jews of various countries could be explored as a series as well. The Jews of Greece and Italy have had unique communities known as Romaniotes and Italkim that do not get much attention when it comes to discussions of Jewish groups. This could be a chance to highlight communities that are not well known by most Jews. Italian Jews have a unique cultural history in their own right and many great Italian dishes actually originated in the various Jewish ghettos of Italy before being adopted by the rest of Italy.

Many other Jewish communities in Europe are not often seen either, such as the communities of Bulgaria for example. Bulgarian Jews are mostly Sephardic now, but at one point there were three distinct communities, Ashkenazic, Sephardic and Romaniote who were under a single community leadership.  A game that explores this period of Jewish history in Bulgaria would also be a way to explore the unique relationships between Jewish communities and whatever tensions may have existed between them, along with co-operation and unity as well. The different Jewish communities existing together in a single leadership would not be seen again like that for a long time either and as such, a game could also be used as commentary to point out issues in North American Jewish communities that exist today as well.

Of course, the positives are not the only thing that would need to be addressed in games about Jewish history. While the Jews of India found acceptance in their home country, the sad reality is that most Jews have faced hatred and hostility. This is a big part of Jewish history and would need to be addressed as well in a video game form, if we are to teach the next generation our history this way. The oppression of the Jews in England in the Medieval era for instance, who were persecuted no matter their actions, would be one example of this part of history. Another would be the many pogroms that occurred in Eastern Europe throughout the centuries as well. The attacks,forced conversions, and massacres of communities are an unfortunate part of the history as well. There is a tendency to forget that the Holocaust was not a one-off instance and was instead simply the largest instance of anti-Jewish hatred that we have encountered throughout the centuries. A more sensitive touch would be needed here as well, as the traumas the communities throughout North Africa, the Middle East, Europe, Ethiopia, and more, experienced could be a bit too much for some to learn about. That said, it is a necessary thing to learn about even if it is uncomfortable.

This brings up the part I was putting off mentioning. There would need to be a game teaching the history of the Holocaust as well. The Shoah was a significant recent part of our history and it impacted multiple communities of Jews. The Polish, Lithuanian, and German Jews suffered the longest, while the Hungarian Jews, Kavkazi Jews of the Ukraine and Krymchaks of Crimea were also massacred. The tragedy of our people needs to never be forgotten, and while the last of the survivors are alive, they should be consulted on such a project. It may be uncomfortable for many, but it is a part of our history that has had a major impact.

Jewish history has both positive and tragic points to it, and both can be taught to young Jews via video game form. This can also help explain Jewish history to non-Jews and allow more of an insight into our people. It is something worth looking into for sure, as a way to see to that the past is not lost.