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Facebook To Ban Hate Speech in Ads

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in a statement on Friday that Facebook will no longer accept ads that “claim people from a specific race, ethnicity, nationality, caste, gender, sexual orientation or immigration origin are a threat to the physical safety or health of anyone else”.

From CNBC:

Zuckerberg made the statement via Facebook video and via a Facebook post. He additionally affirmed that Facebook is “expanding [its] policies to better protect immigrants, migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers from ads suggesting these groups are inferior or expressing contempt, dismissal or disgust directed at them.”

More than 100 brands have pulled ads from Facebook as a result of the #StopHateForProfit campaign, which asks “all businesses to stand in solidarity with our most deeply held American values of freedom, equality and justice and not advertise on Facebook’s services in July.”

Zuckerberg said earlier this month that Facebook would “reexamine its policies against violent threats and voter suppression”. Still, the move marks a dramatic reversal for the company, who said in an Email statement last weekend that Facebook “[does] not make policy changes tied to revenue pressure”.